HomeHEALTHHow To Control High Blood Pressure In Summer

How To Control High Blood Pressure In Summer

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common condition in which the force of blood pushing against the walls of your arteries is consistently too high. This can lead to serious health problems if left uncontrolled, including heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. So, we are going to solve the mystery of how to control high blood pressure in summer with an expert doctor’s advice and some natural remedies.

Please Note: In this context, we’re providing a general detail about high-blood-pressure, its causes, and self-management.

You’re advised to contact your physician in case of an emergency.

According to the American Heart Association, about 103 million adults in the United States have high blood pressure. That’s nearly half of all adults! Unfortunately, many people with high blood pressure are not even aware that they have it because it often has no symptoms.

In this section, we will discuss what high blood pressure is and its effects on your body. Understanding this condition is an important step in managing and controlling it.

What Is High Blood Pressure?

We have a basic concept of the ratio of the upper (systolic) and lower (diastolic) numbers used to measure blood pressure. So, with every heart beat, our heart pumps blood through our arteries. This is called systolic force. When your heart rests between beats, this is called diastolic force.

A normal adult blood pressure reading should be around 120/80 mmHg or below. A reading consistently above this range indicates high blood pressure.

Essential hypertension is the first type of high blood pressure. Secondary hypertension is the second type. If someone has primary hypertension, it may not have a clear reason. However, what they eat, how much they move, and how worried they are can all play a role. Moreover, patients with secondary hypertension already have other health problems, like kidney disease or thyroid problems.

Understanding The Impact Of Summer On Blood Pressure

Summer is a time for backyard barbecues, pool parties, and lazy afternoons at the beach. However, seasonal changes can also have a big effect on your blood pressure. When the temperature and humidity rise, our bodies react in many ways that can have an impact on our health, including our blood pressure.

Let’s take a closer look at How to Control High Blood Pressure in Summer and what steps you can take to keep it under control during the warmer months.


One of the most important ways that warm heat raises blood pressure is by making us thirsty. People who spend time outside in hot and muggy weather tend to sweat more, which makes our bodies lose water. When you lose water, ions like sodium and potassium can become out of balance. These minerals are very important for keeping your blood pressure in check.

When your body starts to lose water, your blood vessels narrow to save water and keep your fluid levels normal. This functionality makes the blood vessels shrink, which makes it harder for blood to flow through them. That could be the reason that your heart works harder to pump oxygen-rich blood all over your body. Because of this, your blood pressure might go up for a short time.

Increased Salt Intake

Getting more salt during the summer is another thing that can lead to high blood pressure. This time of year, BBQs, picnics, and other outdoor events are very popular. It’s easy to eat salty foods like chips, pretzels, and pickles without even noticing it.

Importance of Medication Adherence in Managing High Blood Pressure

A lot of people around the world have hypertension, which is another word for high blood pressure. It is called the “silent killer” because you might not even know you have it. But it can lead to heart disease, stroke, and other very bad health problems. You can get better by changing how you live. Do what your doctor tells you to do to keep your blood pressure in check this summer.

What is Medication Adherence?

Medicine adherence is how well people follow the directions for their medicines, such as taking them at the right time and in the right amount. It means taking the right medicine at the right time, in the right amount, and for the right amount of time. Too many people with high blood pressure don’t take their drugs as prescribed by their doctors, which is a shame. This makes them less in control of their situation.

Why is Medication Adherence Important?

Lowers Blood Pressure: Lowering blood pressure is the main goal of diabetes medication. Taking medicines as directed by a doctor can greatly lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Not As Likely To Happen: If you have high blood pressure, you could lose your eyes, have a heart attack, or have a stroke. You are less likely to get these deadly diseases if you take your medicines as prescribed.

Betters Quality of Life: High blood pressure that isn’t under control can lead to tiredness, dizziness, headaches, and breathing problems. By adhering to your medication regimen, you

Tips for How to Control High Blood Pressure in Summer

Tips for How to Control High Blood Pressure in Summer:

  1. One of the most important things to do in the summer, especially if you have high blood pressure, is to drink plenty of water. High blood pressure can be caused by not drinking enough water, so it’s important to drink a lot of water every day. However, taking 8 glasses of water/per day, cutting processed sugar drinks, and excessive coffee/tea could be beneficial.
  2. Limit Your Salt Intake: Eating too much salt can make you retain water and raise your blood pressure. When it’s hot outside, we eat more salty foods like chips, popcorn, and processed meats. This can raise our blood pressure. To season your food, try microgreens, plants, and spices instead of salt. Also, fresh fruits and vegetables are better than boxed snacks.
  3. You may find it harder to handle high temperatures if you have high blood pressure. This is because your body has to work harder to keep the temperature steady. This puts extra stress on your heart and blood vessels. During the hottest parts of the day, try to stay inside or find places with air conditioning if you have to.
  4. Exercise Smart: If you want to keep your high blood pressure under control, you should work out regularly. But it can be dangerous to work out outside when it’s very hot. As much as possible, try working out early in the morning or late at night when it’s cooler. If you have to work out outside during busy times, find a place to shade yourself and drink a lot of water.
  5. Watch Your Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol consumption is a common activity during the summer season, with backyard barbeques, pool parties, and other social gatherings often involving drinks. While it can be enjoyable to indulge in a cold beer or cocktail on a hot day, excessive alcohol consumption can have negative effects on your blood pressure and overall health.

Staying Hydrated And Avoiding Dehydration

For good health all around, it’s important to stay hydrated and avoid becoming dehydrated. This is especially true in the summer when we sweat more and lose more water. People with high blood pressure need to drink even more water because it can help them keep their blood pressure in check and avoid problems in the summer.

Here are some key tips for staying hydrated and avoiding dehydration in the summer:

  1. Drink A Lot of Water: Making sure you drink a lot of water every day is the most obvious way to stay hydrated. Every day, you should drink at least eight glasses (64 ounces) of water. However, because we sweat more in the summer, you may need to drink even more. Keep a reusable water bottle with you at all times, and take sips frequently to stay hydrated.
  2. Eat foods that keep you hydrated: You can stay hydrated by eating fruits, vegetables, and soups. (Healtline.com covered the best foods that can keep you hydrated during summer.)
  3. Avoid Sugary Drinks: To help control high blood pressure in summer, steer clear of sugary drinks like sodas or juices. Their high sugar content can contribute to dehydration and negatively impact blood pressure. In hot weather, choose drinks that aren’t sweetened, like flavored water or herbal teas. These are more relaxing and better for keeping your blood pressure in a healthy range.

Eating a Heart-Healthy Diet

To keep high blood pressure under control, it’s very important to eat a heart-healthy diet. This is especially true in the summer when the heat can make things worse. By being aware of the foods you eat and adding certain foods to your diet, you can help lower your blood pressure and make your heart healthier in general.

1. Focus on Whole Foods: In order to keep your heart healthy, you should eat a lot of fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats. These foods naturally have a little salt and a lot of nutrients that help keep blood pressure in a healthy range.

  1. To help, cut back on salt. To keep your blood pressure under control in the summer, it’s important to watch how much salt you eat. Too much salt can make you retain water and raise your blood pressure. People eat ready-made or fast foods like hot dogs, chips, and soups in a can more often in the summer. Always check the labels to see how much salt is in the food. In the summer, to keep your blood pressure under control, don’t eat more than 2 grams of sodium per day, which is about one teaspoon of salt.

3. Eat more foods that are high in potassium. Sodium does its job, but potassium stops it. Potassium helps keep the body’s fluid balance in check and lowers blood pressure. High-potassium foods like avocados, bananas, spinach, and peppers should be part of a heart-healthy diet every day.

Managing Stress Levels

Stress could be the first thing that causes your High blood pressure. Without any proper checkup and medication it can be even harder to deal with during the hot summer. So, high-stress levels can arise when your body is working harder. This scenario can make your heart beat faster. That’s why keeping your blood pressure in check during hot weather can be safe. Furthermore, it’s important to learn how to deal with stress well.

How to handle high blood pressure in summer

Identify Your Triggers

The first step in managing stress levels is identifying what triggers it for you. It could be anything, like family duties and work tasks, or it could be money fears or problems in personal relationships. You can start finding better ways to deal with these triggers once you know what they are.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or tai chi are all great ways to relax that you can do every day. How to Keep High Blood Pressure in Check in the Summer. These techniques are good for your health, and keeping track of your blood pressure can help during the hot season. They also help you feel less stressed.

Engage In Physical Activity

It has been shown that regular exercise can lower stress and improve health in general. Not only does it help you relax, but it also makes more endorphins, which are hormones that soothe and calm you down.

Get Enough Sleep

Not getting enough sleep not only makes you more stressed but it also makes it harder to control your blood pressure. Moreover, getting enough sleep, about 7 to 9 hours (quality sleep each night), will help you feel fresh and healthy all day long.

Self-care To Control Blood Pressure

Making time for self-care is important for stress management and controlling high blood pressure in summer. For your general health, doing things that make you happy and relaxed is important. During the warmer months, these activities may also help lower your blood pressure.

Limiting Alcohol And Caffeine Intake

A lot of people with high blood pressure need to cut back on coffee and alcohol. This is especially important in the summer. It’s not good for you to drink too much of either alcohol or coffee because they can both raise blood pressure. This part will talk about How to Control High Blood Pressure in Summer. It will explain why it’s important to limit these drugs and give you some tips on how to do it.

Effects Of Alcohol On Blood Pressure

Alcohol is a known vasodilator, meaning it relaxes the walls of blood vessels, causing them to widen. While this may sound beneficial for those with high blood pressure, it can actually have adverse effects. You have higher blood pressure when your blood vessels widen. This is because more blood flows through them, which stresses the heart. In addition, drinking too much can hurt your airways over time, which can lead to more problems.

Tips For Limiting Alcohol Intake:

  1. Set limits: The first step towards reducing your alcohol intake is setting realistic limits for yourself. This could mean having only one drink a day or not drinking at all if you have trouble controlling how much you drink.
  2. Avoid binge drinking: People with high blood pressure should not drink four or more drinks in a short amount of time because this can greatly raise their blood pressure. It’s best to space out your drinks throughout the day or evening.
  3. Choose healthier alternatives: Many alcoholic beverages are loaded with sugar and calories that can contribute to weight gain.


In conclusion, high blood pressure can be a serious health concern during the summer months. However, with proper understanding and management techniques, it is possible to control and even prevent its negative effects. Remember to stay hydrated, avoid excessive heat exposure and follow a healthy diet and exercise routine.

By taking these simple steps, you can enjoy the summer season while keeping your blood pressure levels in check. Always consult with your doctor for personalized advice on managing your high blood pressure during summertime activities.