HomeFACTSTop 10 Smallest Countries In The World

Top 10 Smallest Countries In The World

Four Corners Facts has made a list of the world’s ten tiniest countries. Let’s get right to the point before we go any further!

Vatican City

#01 country in the world that is the smallest

There is only one country in the world, and that’s the Vatican. It’s only 0.49 km2 and has less than 1,000 people living in it. It’s in Rome, Italy. The Vatican is the only theocracy globally, and its population of a few hundred comprises the Pope and his entourage. The only people who speak Italian are its citizens, and the entire country is entirely Italian.

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Since the 1400s, the Pope and his minions have lived in the city. To protect the Holy See, the Vatican has the smallest army in the world. A lot of people come to see the Vatican’s treasures every year, even though it’s the smallest country in the world. The Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica are the most famous tourist spots in the world and two of the best things to see in the city.

Top 10 Smallest Countries in The World 2022
List of the ten smallest countries in the world in 2022


#02 among the world’s tiniest nations

Monaco is the world’s tiniest country, covering just two square kilometers. Because of this, it’s a small but busy tourist spot. When you compare Monaco to the rest of the world, it’s the second-smallest. The Vatican has the tiniest land area in Europe. Monaco also has a lot of casinos and other high-end hotels and villas. That many people per square mile is not found in any other country in the world.

Despite being the smallest nation in the world, Monaco is home to most of the world’s billionaires. As a result, it has the highest concentration of millionaires per capita. The Mediterranean Sea and France encircle the nation on one side, which is on the French Riviera. Its economy is based solely on gambling and casinos, and the country is known for its luxury goods and service industries. The world-famous Monte Carlo Casino is located in Monte Carlo and is a must-visit for visitors to the region.


#03 One of the world’s tiniest countries

The tiniest country in the world is Nauru, which is in the South Pacific. It is the only independent nation in the Pacific Ocean and has an area of only 20 square kilometers. Although the population is only 10,000 (approx.), the country has a history of independence and is home to many prominent people, including Queen Elizabeth II. It is not an official capital, but it has a railway and an airport. This article will explore the island’s unique history and culture.

However, Nauru is an island in the Pacific Ocean that belongs to the Commonwealth, and Yaren is its capital. Their official language is English, and they have no land borders. It has only a few small towns, so it is not difficult to get around. Its only major obstacle is transporting goods. There is no road system on the island, so it’s best to take a plane or boat to the island.


#04 is among the world’s tiniest nations

Tuvalu is the fourth-smallest country in the world, with an area of only 30 square kilometers. It is the fourth-tiniest country in the world and the smallest separate country. It has about 11,000 people living in it. Even though there aren’t many people there, global warming puts them in danger. People have already run away to Australia and New Zealand, which are close by. Even though not many people live on the islands, they are still part of the Pacific Ocean.

As one of the world’s tiniest nations, Tuvalu faces various environmental issues, including the accumulation of plastic waste. Most of Tuvalu’s imported commodities are shipped in plastic containers, which is a big problem for the islands. This is not the only reason for Tuvalu’s environmental woes. Its inhabitants are very accustomed to plastic, and the growing tiniest countries should take action to protect their environment.

The economy of Tuvalu is based on remittances from overseas, fishing license fees, and “dot-tv” Internet extensions. Its economy is largely dependent on these sources. Unfortunately, three-quarters of the labor force lives in a subsistence economy. Further, most of Tuvalu’s islands are coral and unsuitable for crop production. The nation’s population is highly educated, and life expectancy is high. The region has a high rate of adult literacy and life expectancy, though there are many challenges. Water security is one of the most important issues in times of drought.

San Marino

#05 among the world’s tiniest nations

Italy goes all the way around San Marino, which is the world’s tiniest country (61 square meters). Since 301 AD, it has been a free and independent country. It is one of the world’s oldest independent constitutional states. Unlike other countries, San Marino does not have a currency, and the country has no national government. However, it has a thriving economy, and its social and economic programs are well-regarded.

Moreover, the nation has a representative parliamentary democracy, a pluriform multi-party system, and a republican constitution. The government exercised executive and legislative powers, and the judiciary was separate from the legislative body. But in 301 A.D., a stonecutter named Marinus set up the first government of San Marino. It is the smallest member of the UN’s WEOG (Western European and Other Group), which is an unofficial political and geographical grouping. The country is also unique because it has three towers and crossbows.


#06: One of the world’s tiniest countries

Liechtenstein is a landlocked nation in Central Europe. Austria and Switzerland are its neighbors, and it has no coastline. In the 2000 elections, the country’s electorate rejected a conservative proposal to put an 18% foreign worker quota in place. The country is the smallest in population but has the largest gold medal haul per capita. Its gold medal total is also among the highest in the world.

The nearby German-speaking areas heavily influence its culture. The capital, Vaduz, is known for its art and architecture. Its flag, two horizontal stripes, and golden crown in the top left corner are unique. The golden crown was added after the 1936 Olympics, when Liechtenstein discovered that the flag of Haiti had identical colors. Despite being the smallest country in the world, Liechtenstein boasts a high per capita GDP, a relatively stable economy, and practically no national debt.

Marshall Island

#07 country in the world that is the smallest

The Marshall Islands are a landlocked Pacific nation with a constitution and a parliamentary system. The President is the head of state and the chief executive, elected by Parliament to serve four-year terms. He selects a cabinet of ministers from among the members of the legislature. The legislature is a unicameral 33-seat body. There is a Supreme Court, a High Court, and basic rights courts that make up the justice system. There has been a lot of trouble and murder in the Marshall Islands government in the past.

The Marshall Islands are only 180 square kilometers in size, and they are made up of over a thousand islands. Despite being so small, its island chain is quite diverse and boasts several unique features. The archipelago consists of 1,156 partially inhabited islands grouped by a coral reef. Furthermore, the Marshall Islands have a unique relationship with the United States. The Republic of the Mariana Islands signed a “free association” agreement with the U.S. in 1969, which means the Marshallese can live and work in the U.S. if they so desire.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

#08 among the world’s tiniest nations

Located on the island of Nevis, Saint Kitts and Nevis is the second-smallest country in the Caribbean after Turks and Caicos. With a population of 53,544 people, it is a relatively diverse place. The majority of the population is African, with a few members of mixed race and European descent. There is a very small community of Hindus on the island, mainly comprised of immigrants from the Middle East. English is the sole official language, although the Creole language is widely spoken.

The government of Saint Kitts and Nevis is very transparent and accountable. In May 2018, the government of the small nation switched to a debt management system known as Meridian. The country is a member of the Sustainable Blue Economy and Marine Protected As part of the Commonwealth Connectivity Agenda, it is part of the Regulatory and Supply Side Connectivity groups. This means the government cares about the islanders.


#09 is among the world’s tiniest nations

The Maldives is a tropical island nation in the Indian Ocean. It has over 200 islands and a population of around 540,000. The country’s economy is based on fishing, boatbuilding, and tourism. Its GDP has grown rapidly since the 1970s, and it is currently one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. While the Maldives is small, it is also home to some of the best beaches in the world.

The Maldives is a unique destination. Its 115 square miles (370 square kilometers) of land is a fraction of the size of Little Rock, Arkansas. This country comprises a coral atoll that is about as large as Rhode Island. Further, the country’s highest point is just seven feet above sea level, and it has a very low population density. Because it is located in the Indian Ocean, rising sea levels threaten this island nation.


#10 among the world’s tiniest nations

The island nation of Malta is located in the Mediterranean Sea and is the smallest sovereign country in the European Union. It is just 316 square kilometers and has a population of 444,033, making it the 206th densest country in the world. Valletta is the capital city and the smallest city in the entire European Union. The main city is the smallest in the world, covering only 0.61 square kilometers of land. Eurostat says that by 2030, the country will have a population of 580,134 people. ESPN and the United Nations also think of it as an urban area.

A recent study by the University of Michigan Press showed that Malta was one of the most economically active countries in Europe. Its high-income and low-taxed economy have also made it one of the most dynamic countries in Europe. Malta is one of two EU countries that boast the most efficient government. With an estimated population of ten thousand, it is an incredible country for a holidaymaker. Its economy is largely dependent on tourism, and it is home to some of its largest companies.

Ali Ik.
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